Here is what we've been up to the last couple of months or so. We had such a wonderful, very eventful summer that I really hated for it to end. Blaire had way more to do this summer than ever before! I guess that's a sign of getting older! We had a great family reunion, spent time on the lake and we spent the last day of summer before school started at Splashtown in San Antonio. We had a blast! Blaire's friend Leah came along, too. Then school started and it's been super busy since! Brayson had his 3rd birthday party and he started school also. Blaire has started volleyball and will soon cheer at her first football game! Here are some pics....
Cheer Camp
Fun with the church youth

Darby jumping off the roof

Leah and Blaire

Cool man on the boat at the reunion

Go Blaire

Kenedy, Brayson and Hadyn at the reunion

Catchin some z's on the boat

Darby showing off his moves

Super Brayson!

The Dynamic Trio

At the boat races!

Splashtown cuties!

He loved this slide!

Leah and Brayson

1st day of 7th grade

At cousin Hudson's birthday party

On the hay ride at the party

PawPaw and Garrison

Brayson's Birthday cake

The party goers

Thanks Aunt Kelli and Uncle John for letting us borrow the slide!

Our yummy hotdogs wrapped in bacon!

Our head chef and grill master

MeMa and Garrison

Cousin Hadyn and her gift for Brayson!
I guess I inspired you to update the old blog! Great pictures, especially from Splashtown and the SuperHero pics! Brayson's first day face makes me sad, but I'm sure he was happy to be there. P.S. You so could've got me back on the pic of Mom and me at the party! ;)