Monday, October 12, 2009

Middle School dance

Blaire's first school dance was a couple of weeks ago. I'm just now finding the time to blog about it. She had soooo much fun! She was a little dissapointed that a boy didn't ask her to dance, but her daddy and I weren't! Darby and I were chapperones, much to Blaire's disapproval! We had a great time as well. Here are some pictures of Blaire with some of her friends and also a video of her dancing.

Taylor, Shelby, and Blaire

this is how I saw her most of the night....hands up-back towards us!

singing her heart out with Taylor
Taylor and Blaire

dancing the night away up on the stage!


  1. oh my goodness...a middle school dance! she is NOT old enough for that!!! haha Those are great pics! Looks like she had fun!

  2. I'm glad she had a good time, but she makes her aunt feel very old! It seems like just yesterday when I kept her overnight when she was almost 3 so that her mommy and daddy could attend a New Years dance!

  3. So cute! I know she didn't get those moves from her mom, but I can't picture Darby jamming like that either!?!

  4. Good looking family
