Friday, Darby drove 9 hours home from Arkansas to take Blaire on a date to the Daddy/Daughter Valentine's dance at church. Blaire and Darby both were anticipating it and had a great time!! Blaire said they danced nearly every dance! Blaire looked so pretty and I have to say, Darby looked quite handsome, too! Brayson and I stayed home to work on cakes. I'm sure glad they took some great pictures at church so I could see what went on at the dance! Thanks Amber!
Yesterday, Valentine's day, we went to Fort Worth to spend some time with Darby's Mom's family. We had great food and really enjoyed playing with cousins. Everyone in Darby's family is quite musically inclined and we had a great jam session. It really was a fun filled day. Too bad Darby couldn't come home with the kids and I, but he had to go to Tulsa to work some hail and wind claims. We are so thankful for the work, but we really miss him. Thanks for all you do, Darby!!
Here are some pics!