I guess you were all wondering if I would ever get this thing updated again, well I'm happy to report that yes I'm back on track. I'm using Darby's computer so it won't take so long, hopefully! The last time I posted I said I would fill you in on the Waites' Christmas, so I will, but I won't have as many pictures since it seems like so long ago. Sorry. We had a great time at Mom and Dad's house. The weather was great so we played outside most of the time. Brayson and Blaire got so many great gifts! One of Brayson's favorites was a little four-wheeler from Aunt Kristi and Uncle Brad. He had a blast on it. It goes about 2 miles an hour which is fast enough for me!
Darby's 36th birthday was on December 31 so we celebrated on New Year's Day with his Mom and Dad and his brother, Darrin. We had a great time playing guitar hero! The weather was warm again, so the kids played outside most of the day.
Darby and I took the kids to a place in Spring Branch called the Emerald Rainbow over Blaire's holiday and we had a lot of fun! Brayson loved the bouncy toys and Blaire loved the rock climbing wall. Darby and I actually raced Blaire up the thing. I didn't think I could make it even half way up, but I managed to ring the bell! Blaire beat me, but I felt a since of accomplishment anyway. I was feeling pretty athletic the few moments after my personal victory, but that feeling quickly gave way to feelings of shortness of breath and pain in my extremeties! Won't be doing that again for a while!! Maybe I'll work out first before attemptin to beat Blaire again. Darby did manage to beat Blaire, but he was having the same feelings I did, but he just won't admit it!
I promise not to wait so long before my next posting! I don't remember saying that before, so I hope I haven't destroyed all confidence you all might have had in me staying updated! I'm going to do better! Here are some more pictures of our many adventures.

New Year's Day with Nana!

Celebrating Darby's birthday!

Nana and Pops playing a mean game of Guitar Hero!